For many years the traditional method of overlapping reinforcing bars has been in use. Engineers and contractors now recognize the benefits of using rebar couplers to accelerate the speed of construction, increase productivity and simplify design details. The ABS range of rebar couplers requires different fixing methods. This, together with the quantity to be fixed and the location, will determine which the most appropriate coupler for a particular situation is. Our range is as follows
- ABS - PT :
This is a parallel threaded coupler. This type of coupler is used where a continuing TMT bar can be rotated.
- ABS - TT :
The ABS Tapered Thread coupler is designed to suit the majority of applications which require the joining of TMT bars. The ends of theTMT bar are cut square and a tapered thread is cut onto the bar to suit the tapered thread coupler. The coupler is tightened onto the threaded TMT bar using a wrench.
- ABS - MBT :
Mechanically Bolted Couplers are designed for the connection of two TMT bars which haven’t been threaded. A cost effective method of joining TMT bars when the fixed bar is already in place with tight spacing. Neither it is necessary to thread the TMT bar ends nor is the rotation required. Easy installation for all reinforcement complications. A standard wrench can be used to tighten the bolts
- ABS - TTT :
The ABS Tapered Thread Transition coupler is used to join TMT bars of different diameters where one coupler can be rotated. These couplers are designed to achieve failure loads greater than 115% of the characteristic strength of the smaller diameter grade 500 TMT bar. This coupler comprises an internally threaded sleeve with two right hand threads both of which are tapered towards the middle of the coupler.